Rituals to Manifest a Prosperous New Year

Rituals to Manifest a Prosperous New Year

New Year’s resolutions and rituals are very popular around the world. Most cultures celebrate the arrival of the New Year in many different ways. From eating special foods to wearing new clothes in certain colors. I certainly have my own way to welcome the New 

My 2022 Fitness Goals

My 2022 Fitness Goals

From all the hard lessons 2021 taught me, the most important one is to never take my health for granted and to make my physical and mental health my highest priority. My 2022 fitness goals are very basic: build back the muscle I lost to 

Got Vitamin D?

Got Vitamin D?

Vitamin D Vitamin D is produced naturally through sunlight synthesis on our skin. When I was little I never wore sunscreen and got much of this important nutrient through sun exposure. But since the mid 90’s I’ve avoided sunbathing (or any sun exposure) because I 

Homemade Vegan Moisturizer Facial Cream

Homemade Vegan Moisturizer Facial Cream

      Winter is THOUGH on my skin! And this DIY ultra moisturizing natural face lotion is essential for my hands. There is absolutely nothing that can keep my skin hydrated. From head to toe, every inch of my body gets parched during the long winter months.