Rituals to Manifest a Prosperous New Year
New Year’s resolutions and rituals are very popular around the world. Most cultures celebrate the arrival of the New Year in many different ways. From eating special foods to wearing new clothes in certain colors. I certainly have my own way to welcome the New Year! Here I share my favorite things, some are my own creation, others are what most people in my country (Brazil) do.

I always wonder why do we feel so hopeful when the days and numbers in the calendar change. When did we start celebrating the New Year? Why? Does it work? Does it make any difference what we do or not do? I have no answers to these questions, regardless, I always set my intentions, make my resolutions, and do my rituals religiously! Some might say I am superstitious, but I do believe that if I start a new year (or any endeavor!) with a positive intention, I am bound to succeed.

what are new year’s rituals?
Rituals are actions performed in a certain way, individually or in a group. They are usually religious or spiritual, but don’t have to be. All cultures, all over the world, use rituals for expressing faith or spiritual practices. Rituals can be done in many different ways: daily prayers, celebrations to evoke or remember, dance rituals, offerings, etc.
Many cultures use religious rituals as a way to connect with the divine or a higher power though prayers, offerings, blessings, meditations. Rituals can also be used to honor ancestors, important life transitions such as birth and death, marriages, graduations, etc. When rituals are performed in a group they can create a sense of community, which can create a sense of comfort, strength, and unity to the individuals and to the group as a whole.
New Year’s is a time when people around the world perform rituals. You’ve probably heard about people jumping 7 waves on the beach, eating lentils and pomegranates, choosing the color of their clothes for New Year’s Eve or even preparing energy cleansing baths, right?
But what is the origin of all this?
Historically, New Year rituals have existed for more than 4 thousand years. But unlike what happens today, they were not held on January 1st — the date on which we celebrate the civil New Year. Traditionally, the Mesopotamian festival took place around March 20th – the same day as the Astrological New Year.
The celebration signaled the end of winter and the arrival of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, bringing the promise of better planting and harvesting. Food and abundance were therefore the main goals of rituals associated with the date. These celebrations became popular over time, evolved and even changed.
In Brazil the tradition of jumping 7 waves, for example, has its origins in religions of African origin, which worship Iemanjá. This ritual used to be done on February 2nd, the date on which the Orixá is celebrated. They believe the number 7 is kabbalistic and relates to Exú and the 7 lines of religion. Thus, they make offerings to the Queen of the Sea and jump over waves making wishes. Over time, the ritual began to be incorporated into New Year’s Eve practices, during fireworks on the beaches.
The consumption of lentils is related to the traditions of ancient people, who believed grains represented not only nutrition and good health, but also prosperity. Gypsies also associate lentils with material goods, due to their shape similar to coins. Thus, eating lentils is believed to attract luck and prosperity.
In general, rituals are always closely associated with people’s beliefs and undergo changes throughout their existence.

New Year Rituals
Even though the astrological new year starts when the sun enters Aries on March 20th, I also celebrate January 1st. It is the “official” time when the whole world celebrates the new year. The energy is high, and for the most part is positive. In January, we go through a period of transition in which, now free from the baggage of the previous year, we can refine our desires, plant our seeds and leave our plans in motion.
We can take care of our mind and body while pursuing our goals for the upcoming period. This is a favorable time to seek self-knowledge, to detox from all the foods we have indulged since Thanksgiving, to go inward.
It’s a time to let go, rethink about new ways of being, connecting, and acting. To think about everything we want to be born or flourish in our lives: relationships, work, health or any other desire.
Sea Salt Bath

- ½ gallon warm water
- 1 cup sea salt (or Epsom salt)
In a bucket, add sea salt to the water and set aside. Take your shower as usual, and after your finished, from the neck down, dump the salt water evenly on your body. Imagine or visualize everything negative as vivid as possible, being washed out and removed from your body. Lightly pat your body dry or even better, allow it to dry on its own. You can also clean your house or do your laundry with a salt water mixture.
Herbal Bath

- ½ gallon warm water
- 1 cup mix herbs, fresh or dried (see description below)
- colander
In a large pot bring water to a low boil. Turn the heat off and add the herbs. Let them infuse for about 5 minutes. Using a colander, transfer the water to a bucket or large container. Discard the herbs (I like to add them to a garden to compost).
After taking a shower, from the neck down dump the herbal tea all over your body. Imagine or visualize a colorful energy infusing your body. You can let your imagination run wild here! As long as you set positive intentions.
Here are my favorite herbs and their uses:
- Prosperity: cinnamon sticks, rosemary
- Happiness: bay leaves, rosemary, basil, calendula
- Love: cinnamon sticks, hibiscus, jasmine
- Health: Mint or spearmint, apple skin, lavender, chamomile
- Wealth: clove, bay leaves
- Protection: lavender
Burning your Intentions

It is believed that when you write down your intentions and desires, you are letting the fire and air elements deliver them to the Higher Power or the Universe. Fire represents the desire, while air represents communication. I often write my intentions with a pencil, on bay leaves. This was the way the priestesses of Apollo, an ancient deity, used these leaves in their rituals.
Be careful doing this ritual as it involves fire! Make sure you and your home are safe.
- Paper and a pen (or pencil)
- White candle
- A pot or a metal container that can be lit on fire without melting
Sit in a calm and comfortable position. Try to relax your mind and body by taking a few deep breaths. Light the candle. Write down your intentions, desires, and affirmations. You can be as detailed as you wish, or write down only a few words, as long as you hold in your mind the vision of your desire. Try to feel the desire being achieved and fulfilled. You can read your desire out loud if it makes it easier for you to connect to it.
Burn each desire, one at a time. You can write, visualize, and burn one by one, or write them all down and then visualize and burn individually. Whatever makes more sense to you. After all the intentions are burned, give thanks and blow out the candle.
Taro Meditation
This is a ritual I do all year, whenever I am faced with a difficulty. I simply ask a question, draw a card, and ponder on its meaning. This year I asked “how can I achieve my goals?” and I drew the Queen of Wands! I can definitely see why that is the card for 2025! You don’t have to know anything about tarot, you just need to connect to your feelings. If you wish, you can read the meaning of the card online.

This is a very relaxing, meditative ritual that serves to connect us with our higher self, our intuition. Some people believe we can get access to spiritual guides. Sit comfortably on a cushion, in a quiet place. Using a tarot online site such as Labyrinthos or a physical tarot deck, choose one of the following questions:
- What do I need to leave behind in the past year to have a better new year?
- What is the biggest lesson I should take away from the past year?
- Which of my traits will be most instrumental in helping me achieve my goals this year?
- What is my Higher Power advice so I can make the most of the new year?
Take a deep breath, think about the chosen question and draw the card. First, examine the image in detail and think about all the sensations it causes you: joy, peace, fear, sadness? Using this feeling as a base, read the interpretation and see how it can fit into your experience. Close your eyes. Silently or out loud, start a conversation with the card or the characters that appear on it.
Working the shadow:
If the energy of the card is negative, most likely you have a shadow aspect (something negative) to deal with. The image of the card can awaken bad feelings in you: agony, apprehension, animosity. The idea is to make peace with this energy. “Talk” to the card until you find out the meaning behind it. Ask yourself how to accept this feeling and listen to what your intuition has to tell you.
Working with the light:
If the energy of the card is positive, try to feel intensely all the sensations it provokes in you, think about moments where you have felt that way, and allow yourself to feel as if you were living the moment now. Ask what can you do to make the most of this energy throughout the year?
There are no limits to this conversation. You can pull as many cards as you wish. You can finish whenever you feel that the matter has been resolved. If you wish to work on both aspects, do the same procedure twice, each time asking the tarot to show you the shadow or light that needs to be worked on.
So I hope you can start a ritual for this New Year! I hope we all have a blessed, prosperous, healthy, and happy 2025!